Sunday, November 26, 2017

Hawaii Adventure – Oahu & Kauai

Hawaii Adventure – Oahu & Kauai: Hawaii’s way more than just sitting on a beach. There’s natural beauty, welcoming locals, and, of course, world-famous waves to see. This one-week tour covers the best of Oahu and Kauai, combining included activities at must-see spots with free time to explore. You’ll see Hawaii’s cosmopolitan side in Honolulu’s beachfront neighbourhood of Waikiki, along with a quiet side of the islands in picturesque towns like Kapa'a. Despite the archipelago’s small size, you can be sure to never run out of things to do or see. Aloha!

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Click here to support Katie Lodge

Click here to support Katie Lodge: I started running at the age of 5 and have been doing it ever since and have even thought about going to the Olimpics but wasn't sure if it would work or if I would ever have the incentive.

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Hitler Invades Hollywood

Once upon a time there was a dictator called Hitler. He invaded Hollywood and people were happy that he did it because Hollywood sucks and is descriminatory anyways. The End

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Katie Lodge Biography

Katie Lodge (also known as Brigitte Lodge )is a former athlete artist who quite doing the hobbies that she was pushed into as a child by moronic parents after realizing that she would waste her time if she continued to do them. She is a former Police brutality and child neglect victim who is rarely given any sort of real media coverage(presumably because of the family circle that she is comming from. She has gotten into fights with well-celebrated and more priveledged media figures like Elizabeth Smart and Everlyn Sampi because they were given reasonable amounts of a fame and funding which she was never granted while showing equal amounts of talent and potential as a public figure.