Sunday, November 28, 2021

Hey Brianne Theissen-Eaton! Why Dont You Make Me Into a Celebrity Athete...

One time I attempted to become a famous singer at the Olympic opening ceremony. It was so exciting that I nearly died.

I Invented The Best Dance While Listening to This One Time

I Wish That I Had Really Cool Parents Like The Ones That Heather Sim Has

I Hate My Family. I Wish That I Had Been Part of a Different Circle Growing Up.

My Brother is a Criminal. Whoever Gets Him Into a Jail First Will Be My Hero

I Want to Sing at The Olympics Opening Ceremony Too!

My Aunt Is Stupid

Oh and also I am not scared to go skydiving.

Hey Natasha Wodak! I Can Do 5km Races Too. And Maybe As Well As Jessica O'Connell Can Too.

If you read this Natasha Wodak you tell Melissa Bishop-Nriagu that I want to kick her f***king a$$ in an 800m race.

How About a Race Sometime Lindsey Butterworth?

Also I attempted to become famous pilot when I was younger. I might have made it too if my parents had paid for me to go to flight school.

I Bet That I Could Run As Fast as Laura Muir and Castar Semenya. I Wonder if They Would Like to Race Me At The Olympics.

This Beat Is Technotronic (feat. Daisy Dee) (High Level Mix)