Tuesday, August 17, 2021

John G. Diefenbaker High School Is The Worst School Ever

Probably they made most of their students want to drop out before high school was even over for them. I was really hard working when I was a student there and I still never got awards. The teachers were fat and ugly and didn't grade very well and sometimes the people who won the sports awards at the end of each school were so fat and stupid looking that I didn't even realize that they were athletes. Also I think that they normally forgot to give most of their student athlete credit on their gym sports score boards. One year I was a Provincial champion level athlete like 3 times one year and wasn't mentioned on their boards ever at all. I srtated wondering why I had ever even bothered going to that high school. Bishop Carroll High School also kind of stinks in my opinion since normally their sports team aren't very good and there isn't much incentive to be an outstanding athlete when you join. Plus their field hockey teams aren't very good because noone who joins them is talented usually. It was kind embarassing hanging out with them.

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